Professional Development

I’ve just updated our page of professional development links — which you can always check by clicking the Regional PD box in the header. Please let me know if I…

Reminder: AFCC at the end of May

Don’t forget to check out the schedule of the Asian Festival of Children’s Content (AFCC), 25-30 May. Our own Nancy Johnson is the keynote at the awards ceremony on Tuesday,…

February 1-3: Children’s Lit Conference @SAS

You’ll hear more about this from Nancy Johnson at next week’s meeting, but here is a promotional slideshow about the Children’s Literature Conference at SAS, February 1 – 3, 2013.

Hands on Literacy November 17 2012

Nearly 300 delegates; 46 workshop presenters! The Hands on Literacy Committee 2012 is to be congratulated for organising another very successful Hands on Literacy conference for ISLN. Their hard work…