This is a farewell to three key members — Katie Day (UWCSEA East), Jacqui Makselon (Tanglin) and Ben Farr (Tanglin).
Two were on the first Hands on Literacy committee that was behind the substantial funds that we hold, and, all of whom were founding members of ISLN.
We also have several members who have or will turn 60 in the past year (Pam Males, Graham Grant, Jane Hayes, Katie Day, Pat Chandler, and Barb Reid).
These seem like great reasons to have a fabulous end-of-year event.
Member schools are invited to bring any or all of their current library staff for free and non-members are welcome to attend for the small amount of $10. NB: You must renew your membership before the AGM on April 20th in order to qualify for the free attendance of you and your library staff.
You are also welcome to invite other guests who you feel have been supporters of ISLN or supporters of those people whose contribution we are celebrating. See the recent email to the ISS-LN Google Group with instructions about how to suggest people to be invited and to confirm you and your library staff’s attendance.
Attendance will be limited to the first 150 people.