The next ISLN meeting is Monday, April 23rd, at the new Canadian International School — Lakeside campus. 4:00 for 4:30 start — and it will be our Annual General Meeting.
There is a pre-meeting PD opportunity starting at 1:30pm on the same day. Jenna Emerson is going to run a Follett workshop focusing on eBooks in our catalogs (how to order, import, and circulate, etc.) — as well as whatever other new stuff re Destiny or Titlewave she wants to show us.
This will obviously be of interest to people with Destiny, but others (e.g., Oliver users) may want to attend as well — as they also can buy/use Follett eBooks.
Please RSVP to Lisa Patton ( if you are interested. UWC and CIS staff are already committed to attending.
We still intend to have PD time in network meetings, but we thought pre-meeting afternoons might offer us other opportunities. So this is a trial of sorts.